

I’m Clare. I love to travel and have a lot to share about it, so thought I’d get all this out of my head & onto a blog! My favourite place in the world is Colombia, followed closely by Italy, Paris, Barcelona, the Galapagos Islands & Portland (yes I’m aware some of these are whole countries but how do you choose a favourite city?).

I’ve started this blog to record said travels, however I’ve found myself in a position where I actually really enjoy my job at FOX Sports and its not really an option to just up-and-leave like I used to. So now, with no plans to venture overseas for another year or so, I’m trying to find ways to get that travel high, without needing to get aeroplane high. 

More often than not, I’m accompanied by my partner-in-crime, Chelsea, an 18 month old chocolate labrador, who is as up for anything as I am. She hasn’t said no to a spontaneous outing yet. The husband is also a willing accomplice, however he generally takes a little more ‘dragging’ due to his affinity for FIFA and the indoors.

If you have any suggestions on where to explore next, please let me know.

x C